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Practical Skills

Weather based Modelling

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These are the images of my cloud umbrella model in progress, and finished, respectively. I made the handle with a few pieces of metal wire taped together which I pierced through the cardboard disc. I then glued down some wool onto the disc to create clouds.


I also started progress on another smaller model (also metal wire) of what I imagine as an archway of sorts inspired by an image I found while researching different types of clouds. 

Wind Drawing

In Nikki's session, we were tasked to create wind powered drawing machines to produce wind drawings. We started by hot gluing four bamboo sticks in each corner of an empty picture frame. We then tied and taped some string through the frame and around the legs in order to tie our pen to the end of the string. Once we were sure it wouldn't topple over, we took them outside to see it do its thing in the field


Cloud Time-lapse

This is a time-lapse we made about clouds. We set up outside the college with DSLRs and tripods and recorded the clouds rolling by. After we had our videos, we opened them in Premiere Pro and sped them up by 2000% to make them look like they're speeding by. We also took photos of the clouds with the Pentax SLR cameras, so we're going to go up to the dark room to process and print those.

Cloud Render

This is a CG render I made of a cloud in After Effects. I started by making a blue ellipse, I then stretched it out and added a turbulent displace effect which gave it a slight distortion. I also messed around with the complexity setting to give it a more 'cloud' shape.

My response to the three words exercise

Climate change.jpg

These are what I made in response to my three words activity, the image on the left is a page about climate change which may lead to a dystopian age, and the "collages" on the right also link with climate change and, obviously, fire as that's one of the words that I picked alongside dystopian and knot.

CC collage 2
CC collage

Cloud Edits

Photo simplification

These are the standout images that I have made today. I started by editing the original to remove the dust marks with the spot healing brush, and then increasing the vibrancy, levels and brightness of the image. And for the heavily edited images, I basically did the same thing but to an extreme. I was just messing around with layering multiple gradient maps and playing around with things like hue and saturation and for the red edit, I experimented with a camera raw filter and flipping the image. Yeah the clouds disappear, but I think it looks weird and cool.


I spent most of yesterday gluing my images and designing little simplified landscapes from them. I was definitely inspired by Landsaat, although I also definitely strayed away from the general feel of his images. Next time I make things like this, I'm going to have to simplify it a lot more than I did yesterday.

I don't need to copy his style, just make my own inspired by his, I guess.

Simple clouds 1.jpeg

These are three images that I have simplified so far, I did these in photoshop as it's much easier to get a smooth block colour to complete the minimalist style whereas using paint leaves brushstrokes and coloured pencils that also leave marks.

Simple clouds 2
Simple building and sky

Stencil art

These are the stencil paintings that I made from plastic sheets. I made by drawing outlines for the clouds, and then I cut the clouds out. I then stuck down the pieces where I wanted them and then painted in the negative space - a couple have a blue sky, one has a sunset. I took the stencils off and it left me with my finished sky.

Red stencil.jpg
Blue stencil.jpg

Simplified Sketches

These are four sketches I made using charcoal and graphite, they are heavily simplified versions of my own images. I started by choosing a photo and then adding a monochromatic filter to it. After that, I made a large block for the ground in the photo and then some quick scribbling - pretty much, using charcoal and graphite to vaguely replicate the sky in the photo, I repeated this process three more times with different images. In one of the sketches, I also used a rubber to add negative spaces to the sky that resembled clouds. While I do like this way of simplification, and how easy it is, I think I still prefer the more tedious way of doing it on photoshop.

put on prac.jpg

Experimenting with gradients


I made these inks where I was just experimenting with creating gradients. The whole process was relatively simple as it is just literally having two colours on opposite sides, the mix in the middle, and then just transferring that to paper. These tests are reminiscent of Tom Hammick's prints which is something I've been (hazily) inspired by. The blue/purple one also looks like a bird's eye view of a body of water, with the unintended creases acting as waves. I just thought that was neat.


This is a woodcut I've made of a simple group of clouds, based off a picture I took. I started by drawing a grid pattern on the wood, and then drawing the clouds themselves. I then began cutting the space inside the shapes in order to keep them white. I also went back and "roughed up" the clouds, for lack of a better term, to allow specks of ink to still appear on the clouds which I hope will spice it up a bit.

Final outcome

This is my final outcome, it is a print inspired by the simplified version of an image I took. I went through multiple tryouts where I used different colours, but ultimately decided on sticking to the blue since people need to understand that it's a sky and not a fiery hellscape because I made the sky red.

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